Books are best friends


Are books really friends?
Let's check it out
One fine day I visited a book store just to pass the time. Guess what happened!It was an eye opener visit. I found books of all corners of life, where in multiple lives are also not sufficient to complete reading these books.
If I am sad, there are books on motivation like you can win by Shiv Khera, The secret, etc. There are books on autobiographies by great leaders like Late A P J Abdul Kalam, Late Gandhiji, etc to become equipped with lessons to life challenges.
There are numerous subjects covered like any language learning skills, varied cultures. The subjects are just limitless.
Above all, the fundamentals of Indian culture and traditions are our holy scriptures Bhagwad geeta. It is a life line for every individual.
Advantages of reading books:

  1. Enhances know how in short span of time.
  2. Improves reading skills.
  3. Improves language skills like rich vocabulary, etc.
  4. Best companion who is always ready to be loved..
  5. Reader becomes independent of learning pace.

Finally, dear reader what's your thought ?
Are books best friends?

Importance of sadness
Hey Mr Sad, why do you come into my life ...
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